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: Smart-Thumbs ?

26/09/07 17:42
<!--#include virtual="/st/db_structure.php"-->

db_structure.php 15 .

? )

: X-dream (01/10/07 20:55), 3 ()

26/09/07 17:44

26/09/07 17:47
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26/09/07 17:56
... -

26/09/07 18:03

5.68 .

26/09/07 18:07

26/09/07 18:44


26/09/07 18:48
gallery.php - =\ 15 - .

gallery.php - unknown file

$g = getenv ("QUERY_STRING");
<!-- frames -->
<frameset  rows="100,*">
    <frame name="" src="top.html" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
    <frame name="" src="<?php echo $g; ?>" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">


26/09/07 18:52

if you do not use "st/gallery.php" file to open galleries in frame, delete this file (we removed it from ST because of frequently abuse of this file as place for malicious code - "tools>filecheck" can't check content of this file)


26/09/07 19:40
gallery.php ,

"# if you do not use "st/admin/galery.php" file to open galleries in frame, delete this file (we removed it from ST because of frequently abuse of this file as place for malicious code - "tools>filecheck" can't check content of this file)"



2. Check admin login/pass under settings>users and remove unknown admin users. If you have access over phpmyadmin, you can display all users from database by running "SELECT * FROM st_users;" query and delete unknown entries from there (because some entries may not be visible from st admin)
3. Check st/admin/.htpasswd file for logins which are unknown for you
4. Check for suspicious files over tools>file check and remove them.
5. Change FTP/SSH and MYSQL logins for all databases on attacked server
6. Enhance your security by following these instructions these instructions[pid]=149

01/10/07 20:56
<!--# ="//_."-->

... icon_smile.gif ... ... ... .