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Тема: FerroCash: каждую неделю свежие ФХГ с фирменным контентом!
15/03/10 в 21:33
так есть оъяснения почему такое ратио?
раньше продавалиь на ура!
16/03/10 в 00:37
ну, возможно персонажей мало, морды уже примелькались, х.з....
16/03/10 в 02:58
Да ладно, хватает там новых морд. Я, признаться, тоже удивляюсь, что не идет ни фига. Продолжаю упорно слать траф, ну не верю я, что дрочерам оно неинтересно icon_smile.gif
16/03/10 в 07:00
2010 какой-то неудачный icon_sad.gif
16/03/10 в 11:20

Да, кризис проклятый виноват.
Вот только почему-то на "ссбильные" партнерки он нисколько не повлиял, партнерки через ссбильную линку так и продаются с ратио близким к 1:1000, а партнерки на собственных скриптах как одна испытывают это негативное влияния.
Но ферра перещеголяла всех, 1:56К... бразерсы и пэйсерв просто отдыхают.
16/03/10 в 11:22
Мдяяя, последние новости с полей сражений - 1/17340
16/03/10 в 22:12
Quimby писал:

Мдяяя, последние новости с полей сражений - 1/17340

У тебя половина трафа слита напрямую на ferronetwork, тупо с баннера. Так делать не надо, я много раз говорил об этом. Работает только двойная реклама, как на галерах - где рассказывается про сайт, и дополнительно упоминается что через нетворк можно подписаться на этот и все другие сайты сразу. Тогда те кому надо идут на сайт, а кому надо на нетворк. Если на один нетворк лить, толку скорее всего не будет. Попробовать можно, но если не идет, надо менять схему рекламы на рекомендованную (то есть двойную, платник + нетворк).…?ferrocash

А по остальным сайтам траф у тебя оказался размазан - об этом я тоже много раз писал, что такие ситуации могут приводить к провалам в продажах. Хотя это и необязательно, но вполне возможно.

Теперь о твоем новом тубе, точнее о рекламе на нем:…n-session/

1. Когда траф на платник отсылается с двух крохотных текстовых ссылок с тубов, толку не бывает. Работает только баннер в сочетании с хорошим текстовым описанием сайта. Баннер крайне желательно чтобы был с символикой нетворка, и в клипе тоже весьма желательно ее применять. Тогда и ратио нормальное, и по прошествии времени доля подписок через нетворк начинает составлять 20-30%, потому что серферы начинают интересоваться что это такое и кто-то да подписывается. А даже такой доли подписок через нетворк достаточно, чтобы монетизация трафа выросла вдвое.

2. Наверху над клипом у тебя рендомный баннер. Сам клип от girlsformatures, и на него же ведут текстовые ссылки. А баннер почему-то от momgiveass. Просто так набросанные случайным порядком баннеры работать не будут. Надо чтобы сепмл был, и описание какое-то, или еще что-то. Либо сайт какой-то ударный должен быть - мегасвежак или я не знаю что. Просто сайт, на который со случайного баннера траф заслан, не даст результата. А внизу вообще баннер maturestoday зачем-то, который и в лучшие времена продавался со скрипом.

Вот минимальная комплектация рекламы из всех, которые я видел, что реально работает:

Все меньшее либо не работает вообще, либо работает с очень плохим ратио.

3. Еще один туб в статсах нашел, с такими же проблемами:…a-workman/

Все хаотично, бессистемно, что продают не особо понятно. Кроме того, нашего материала слишком много - тубы это не тгп, на них спонсора задрочить можно гораздо быстрее. Принцип наполнения тубов должен быть такой, чтобы вроде и много всего, но ничего в отдельности не много - тогда сохраняется повод что-то купить. Хотя на нишевых тубах выполнения этого принципа добиться, конечно труднее, чем на мультинишевых. Из того что я видел пока, одного спонсора на тубе должно быть не больше 5% чтобы он продавался. Остальное может быть все что угодно, но только не клипы этого спонсора - если только они не 30 секундные пережатые, таких сколько угодно можно выкладывать. Проблемы будут не с продажами, а с привлечением трафа.

Это только то что навскидку нашел. Если копнуть глубже, наверняка еще найдется.

Рекомендую пересмотреть рекламную стратегию и внести в нее логичность и системность, тогда и результатов можно будет ждать.

Также рекомендую для тубов пользоваться новыми брендовыми баннерами, там есть целый ряд подходящих для тубов размеров:

Они не для всех сайтов пока есть, но скоро будут для всех.
16/03/10 в 22:35
Kn писал:
так есть оъяснения почему такое ратио?
раньше продавалиь на ура!

В 90% случаев объяснение плохим продажам немедленно обнаруживается на сайтах вебмастера - пример выше как раз попадает в эту статистику.

Хотя и не всегда, в 10% случаев действительно бывает так что и сайт толковый, и реклама нормальная, а не идет и все. Тут только одно можно посоветовать - проявить терпение.

"Раньше продавались" - это самая большая иллюзия, которой может поддаться вебмастер. Сеть меняется каждый день, и под нее надо подстраиваться. Раньше не было миллионов тубов и торрентов и борд с рапидами, раньше рынок самих платников был не такой насыщенный и вообще трава была зеленее. Раньше тяп-ляп и бессистемность в организации ресурса и рекламы спокойно нивелировались тем, что кроме как на платниках, контента было взять негде. А теперь есть, рынок ужесточился, и таких очевидных ошибок уже не прощает. Сегодняшний рынок требует очень вдумчивой и системной вебмастерской работы, и постоянной динамики в подходах к организации дела.
17/03/10 в 00:54
Все очень умно и вроде толково, но как-то раньше мне удавалось продавать вас с ратио значительно лучше, чем 1:50К. Понимаю, у вас кризис, засилье тубов и торрентов, мне значит нужно обратить больше внимания на партнерки, которых эти моменты так остро не коснулись.
А вообще я рад, что вы отписались в этом топике. Вот уже и ратио улучшилось - 1/11785. icon_smile.gif
17/03/10 в 01:48
Quimby писал:
Все очень умно и вроде толково, но как-то раньше мне удавалось продавать вас с ратио значительно лучше, чем 1:50К. Понимаю, у вас кризис, засилье тубов и торрентов, мне значит нужно обратить больше внимания на партнерки, которых эти моменты так остро не коснулись.
А вообще я рад, что вы отписались в этом топике. Вот уже и ратио улучшилось - 1/11785. icon_smile.gif

Насчет "раньше". Раньше ты продавал нас с хорошей нишевой ТГПшки, весьма разумно устроенной, текстовой, с оригинальными десками, которые специально заказывал, и наших галер в листинге никогда не было большинство, насколько я помню. Процентов 20, может даже меньше. За счет этого наши сайты не задрачивались сверх меры.

Мало того, изрядная доля галер в листинге у тебя была своя собственная - не фхг, а на своем шаблоне и своем домене. Для тех времен это был реальный рецепт хорошего реса, который действительно работал и давал результат. Нужная доля оригинальности (за счет десков и галер), в разумных количествах халявы, плюс, и это пожалуй главное, авторский отбор материала для листинга, за счет чего у реса всегда было свое лицо.

Хотя я никогда не был доволен тем как там у тебя в общем и целом была реклама утроена, но для тех времен и того что было, было вполне достаточно. Продажи шли нормально.

Но времена изменились, и сейчас другая схема должна применяться. Тубы отличаются по формату, но по сути это тоже самое - ярмарка платников. Поэтому каждый сайт, также как и нетворк в целом, должен быть внятно представлен, с описаловом. На тубе не нужен длинный деск - то место где у тебя описалово сета (чего его долго описывать когда клип вверху) надо было отдать описалову сайта. И баннер обязательно, на котором название четко написано, чтобы все время напоминать серферу что еще и купить можно, а не только ролики смотреть на шару - а у тебя там все чисто и стерильно, реклама вообще в глаза не бросается. А та что более-менее бросается (баннеры внизу и вверху), не имеет отношения к ролику.

Вобщем, советую как-то тщательнее все обдумать с точки зрения подачи материала, и делать из between-legs-videos мультинишевый туб, возможно с колготочно-нейлоновым уклоном. Материала много на эту тему можно найти, главное ни с чем не перебарщивать. С нами в том числе - я уже много раз был свидетелем того как быстро вырождаются продажи на нишевых тубах. Очень на них легко быстро задрочить любую тему, поэтому осторожно надо подходить к вопросам наполнения.

И конечно авторский отбор материала, который в свое время сделал лицо between-legs, и которого я не увидел на between-legs-videos. Хотя для туба это в такой же степени важно, как и для тгп, поэтому эту положительную традицию очень полезно было бы перенести в новый формат - тебе это будет нетрудно, так как темой хорошо владеешь.

Я всегда готов помочь, где найти меня знаешь. Правда, на тему тубов пока нет такой уж исчерпывающей статистики, как в свое время по тгп была, но кое-то уже есть, чем смогу помогу.

P.S. Если не доверяешь нашему скрипту - в любой момент можно переключиться на оплату от сисибилла. Вот тут есть инструкция как это сделать, в самом верху:
18/03/10 в 20:17
Простите что вмешиваюсь icon_smile.gif
Но у меня следующая порция мувисных фхг этой недели:

Site: ActionMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Hot milf getting kicks from mighty dicking right on the floor by the stairs
Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Awesome babe fingering her ass in front of the guy craving for stiff reward
Site: AnalPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Kinky chick gets kicks from hot thrills of ass-pounding with her tights on
Site: AnalPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Mischievous babe in grey pantyhose taking a great amount of ass drilling
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Horny guy spies upon a babe admiring her rounded booty before a hard fuck
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Hottie in maid uniform giving oral job and taking a rod up her warmed up ass
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Passionate chick giving great blowjob and taking a throbbing dick up the bum
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Hot babe taking a serious amount of strap-on ass poking in lez intercourse
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Eager lezzie gets spread-eagled on the stool for wild strap-on ass-fucking
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Awesome sappho puts her ass in the air waiting for hot strap-on anal attack
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Boring lesbian girlfriends getting fun from strap-on ass-fucking exercises
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Mature office babe getting steamy quickie in the bathroom with a drunk boy
Site: DickyBitches Niche: shemale Gallery Type: video Sexy tranny in tiny bikini giving head and getting hard after back-packing
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Sizzling hot babe smokes a cig before posing in her soft silky pantyhose
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Fiery mature babe giving a guy encouraging kisses for the start of hot fuck
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Red-haired mature babe making spread-eagle for a guy in hardcore session
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Red hot mature chick eagerly making a guy’s cock ready for deep penetration
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: video Sissy maid in a bright uniform does his chores itching for backdoor work
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: video Experienced male letting girlie drink a little before from-behind frenzy
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Lesbian babes take out their beloved handy toy at the end of a lez workout
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video A little alcohol encourages lez gals to put to work their hands and tongues
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Stunning lesbian chicks forget about nylons while going for wet making out
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Heated French maid and nurse enjoy role playing in lesbian strap-on action
Site: LoveNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lusty next-door chick in pink stockings giving legjob before hot quickie
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Sex-crazy muscle stud dicking a mature chick thru her ripped lacy pantyhose
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Pantyhosed babe can’t wait any minute going for foot games and hot quickie
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Freaky gal in smooth stockings knows some tricks to lure a guy into scoring
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Salacious babe in red torn stockings willingly fingering her soaking pussy
Site: PantyhoseJobs Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Sex-addicted couple clad in silky pantyhose going down for rough scoring
Site: PantyhoseJobs Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Cutie in lacy hose and her lover start from hot oral foreplay in the attic
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Nasty blonde in shiny hose giving hot pantyhosejob and playing numbers game
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Babe clad in smooth hose getting banged from behind after hot pantyhosejob
Site: PantyhoseScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Well-hung guy forcing pantyhosed babe to her knees for doggystyle fucking
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: video Curious babe directed her eye at a shemale’s cock craving mighty dicking
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: video Sissy in a maid uniform does his work before riding on a babe’s strap-on
Site: StraponTales Niche: strapon Gallery Type: video Sissy ready for a female role while throwing his ass on a gal’s strap-on
Site: ShemaleWeddings Niche: shemale Gallery Type: video Wedding with a hung shemale bound to have hardcore finale for a muscle stud
19/03/10 в 23:17
Свежие супер фхг (три длинных клипа)этой недели:

Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: svideo Lesbian babes take out their beloved handy toy at the end of a lez workout
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: svideo Stunning lesbian chicks forget about nylons while going for wet making out
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: svideo Heated French maid and nurse enjoy role playing in lesbian strap-on action
19/03/10 в 23:18
Свежие скриншотовые фхг этой недели:

Site: ActionMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Hot milf getting kicks from mighty dicking right on the floor by the stairs
Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: vscreen Awesome babe fingering her ass in front of the guy craving for stiff reward
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: vscreen Horny guy spies upon a babe admiring her rounded booty before a hard fuck
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Hot babe taking a serious amount of strap-on ass poking in lez intercourse
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Mature office babe getting steamy quickie in the bathroom with a drunk boy
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Sizzling hot babe smokes a cig before posing in her soft silky pantyhose
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Fiery mature babe giving a guy encouraging kisses for the start of hot fuck
Site: GirlsForOldMen Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: vscreen Horny aging male makes a girlie drink a little before doggystyle fucking
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: vscreen Sissy maid in a bright uniform does his chores itching for backdoor work
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: vscreen Experienced male letting girlie drink a little before from-behind frenzy
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Pigtailed blondie luring a mom in glasses into a hot lesbian lickety-split
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Dark-haired girl in bright tights fondled by a milf before a strap-on fuck
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Lesbian babes take out their beloved handy toy at the end of a lez workout
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen A little alcohol encourages lez gals to put to work their hands and tongues
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Stunning lesbian chicks forget about nylons while going for wet making out
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Heated French maid and nurse enjoy role playing in lesbian strap-on action
Site: LoveNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Lusty next-door chick in pink stockings giving legjob before hot quickie
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Sex-crazy muscle stud dicking a mature chick thru her ripped lacy pantyhose
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Pantyhosed babe can’t wait any minute going for foot games and hot quickie
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Frisky chick in sheer pantyhose enjoys some foot exercises in the morning
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Pantyhosed chick awaking a chap craving for foot massage and hard doggie
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Sizzling hot babe eagerly strips off aching to feel sheer nylon on her feet
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Naughty babe shows a guy some tricks with her nyloned feet before hot sex
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Tall and lean gal tenderly touching every her toe of her feet thru her hose
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Spicy chick seducing a guy with her nyloned feet aching for hot coupling
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Mischievous chick gets nasty revealing her lovely feet in barely black hose
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Blondie rubs her nyloned feet and shows her curves in front of the mirror
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Muscle stud forcing a pantyhosed chick to give footjob before hot quickie
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Freaky gal in smooth stockings knows some tricks to lure a guy into scoring
Site: PantyhoseOne Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Devoted girlfriends go from mouth kissing to lez clam-eating in pantyhose
Site: PantyhoseJobs Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Sex-addicted couple clad in silky pantyhose going down for rough scoring
Site: PantyhoseJobs Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Cutie in lacy hose and her lover start from hot oral foreplay in the attic
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Nasty blonde in shiny hose giving hot pantyhosejob and playing numbers game
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Babe clad in smooth hose getting banged from behind after hot pantyhosejob
Site: PantyhoseScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Well-hung guy forcing pantyhosed babe to her knees for doggystyle fucking
Site: ShemalesFuckGuys Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Well-hung guy draining a t-girl’s cock before getting his ass packed hard
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Curious babe directed her eye at a shemale’s cock craving mighty dicking
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: vscreen Sissy in a maid uniform does his work before riding on a babe’s strap-on
Site: StraponTales Niche: strapon Gallery Type: vscreen Sissy ready for a female role while throwing his ass on a gal’s strap-on
Site: StunningMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Fiery mommy in bright undies wakes up her young lover for wild morning sex
Site: ShemaleWeddings Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Wedding with a hung shemale bound to have hardcore finale for a muscle stud
24/03/10 в 00:25
Свежие пиксовые фхг этой недели:

Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: picture Awesome babe reveals lush lingerie seducing a guy into ass-pounding session
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Sizzling hot sapphic babes know how to use a strap-on in lez interaction
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: picture Lascivious mature gal getting humped in the bathroom by a horny washed stud
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: picture Lush mature chick getting spread and screwed by her sex-starving neighbor
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Frisky gal in tan pantyhose admires her flower-shaped scrunchie on her foot
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Flexi babe doing the splits without taking off her barely visible pantyhose
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: picture Sexy sissy in a flirty pink dress gets his ass packed after a glass of wine
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Dazzling babe exposing her legs encased in plain-top stockings and heels
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Glamour blondie enjoys her silky dark stockings with matching black dress
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Sexy babe in barely visible stockings playfully posing in various positions
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Awesome sapphic babe rubs a babe’s pussy while tongue-tickling her nipples
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Voluptuous lesbian babes in silky white stockings enjoying sensuous kisses
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Sizzling hot lesbian babes getting wild pleasure from their beloved sex toy
Site: MomsGiveAss Niche: matures Gallery Type: picture Passionate mature co-worker seduces a guy into hot oral and anal workout
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Chubby mature gal rubs a dildo against her pantyhosed slit before hard fuck
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Hot business lady puts off her pantyhose aching for some rest for her feet
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Sex-crazy chick in black lacy pantyhose kneels down after wet foot-licking
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Stunningly beautiful babe shows her nyloned feet and walks without her shoes
Site: PantyhoseOne Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Leggy lesbians clad in sheer pantyhose lick and grind their nyloned parts
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Horny hottie blowing dick and getting fucked with her smooth dark tights on
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: picture Sissy in a striped dress convincing a hottie of his strap-on fucking skills
Site: StraponTales Niche: strapon Gallery Type: picture Chubby babe talking a guy to taste her strap-on before wild anal workout
25/03/10 в 22:04
Свежие мувисные фхг этой недели:

Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Salacious chick fulfilling her nasty dreams riding cock with her itchy ass
Site: AnalPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Kinky babe in dark pantyhose enjoys every kiss on her ass before wild anal
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Naughty chick willingly kneels down for butthole surfing right on the floor
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lesbian babes in sheer pantyhose revealing their skills in lez making out
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Nasty babe puts on her silky pantyhose choosing the clothes for the party
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Stunning chick fitting on various silky pantyhose right on a leather sofa
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Kinky chick getting kicks while fitting on her silky control top pantyhose
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Dazzling chick savoring the feeling of her sheer pantyhose on her long legs
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Dazzling chick dressing up fitting on her luxury sheer-to-waist pantyhose
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Sleepy guy gets awaken by a heated mature babe craving for mighty dicking
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: video Cross-dressed guy looks like a real femme getting his rear passage crammed
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: video Horny older male silencing filly with jet of water after suck-n-fuck action
Site: KissMatures Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Raunchy babe wakes curvy mature chick for sensual lesbian sex on the sofa
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Pig-tailed gal having enough time to fit on various sheer stretch stockings
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Messy play ends up with lez pussy eating for a blondie in white lacy nylons
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Two lesbian girlfriends grab a strap-on toy taking turns in pussy drilling
Site: LoveNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Mischievous chick putting on white stockings before mounting rocky shaft
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Hot mature babe in black control top hose gets scored on the billiard table
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Outrageously hot chick rubbing her beloved sex toy against her nyloned feet
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Pantyhosed chick with yummy feet getting groped and bent down by a worker
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Muscle stud forcing a pantyhosed chick to give footjob before hot quickie
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Horny chick with her yummy nyloned feet welcomes a guy up her soaking pussy
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Hot guy kissing babe’s nyloned feet preparing her for doggystyle fucking
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Cutie with fine behind and yummy feet clad in nylon going for hot quickie
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lustful chick puts her nyloned feet to work making a male dick rock-hard
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lez co-workers pleasuring each other with their nyloned feet in the office
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Awesome chick in sheer hose puts off her high heels giving great footjob
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Hot stud stimulating a gal for hard scoring while stroking her nyloned feet
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Nasty babe shows a guy how to work with her nyloned feet before hot dicking
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Hot footjob bound to have hardcore finale for a sultry babe in silky tights
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Horny babe stroking a guy’s boner with her nyloned feet aching for dicking
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Dressed-up chick in white lace-top stockings having fucking hot after-party
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Sex-crazy babe in lacy black stockings hikes up her skirt for cock invasion
Site: PantyhoseJobs Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Horny guy stroking his pecker through pantyhose after outrageous coupling
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Short-haired babe trying on a few pairs of pantyhose before steamy shagging
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Sporty chick in control top hose getting screwed hard by her kinky coach
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Hot gal in fire-fighter uniform getting licked through her ripped pantyhose
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: video Mischievous hottie gets spread on the sofa by ready for action dick-girl
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: video Nasty sissy guy getting his ass spanked and crammed by a strap-on armed gal
26/03/10 в 21:59
Свежие супер фхг (три длинных клипа)этой недели:

Site: PantyhoseJobs Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: svideo Horny guy stroking his pecker through pantyhose after outrageous coupling
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: svideo Nasty sissy guy getting his ass spanked and crammed by a strap-on armed gal
26/03/10 в 22:00
Свежие скриншотовые фхг этой недели:

Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: vscreen Salacious chick fulfilling her nasty dreams riding cock with her itchy ass
Site: AnalPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Kinky babe in dark pantyhose enjoys every kiss on her ass before wild anal
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: vscreen Naughty chick willingly kneels down for butthole surfing right on the floor
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Sleepy guy gets awaken by a heated mature babe craving for mighty dicking
Site: GirlsForOldMen Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: vscreen Older male making a curious girl give head and spread her legs wide open
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: vscreen Cross-dressed guy looks like a real femme getting his rear passage crammed
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: vscreen Horny older male silencing filly with jet of water after suck-n-fuck action
Site: KissMatures Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Raunchy babe wakes curvy mature chick for sensual lesbian sex on the sofa
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Pig-tailed gal having enough time to fit on various sheer stretch stockings
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Dressed up lesbian mature blowing and taking up a strap-on cock from a girl
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Ponytailed coed in a pleated skirt sharing a jelly toy with a lesbo mature
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Stunning lesbian babes mouth kissing and rubbing their wet slits at once
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Messy play ends up with lez pussy eating for a blondie in white lacy nylons
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Two lesbian girlfriends grab a strap-on toy taking turns in pussy drilling
Site: LoveNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Mischievous chick putting on white stockings before mounting rocky shaft
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Hot mature babe in black control top hose gets scored on the billiard table
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Outrageously hot chick rubbing her beloved sex toy against her nyloned feet
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Pantyhosed chick with yummy feet getting groped and bent down by a worker
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Dressed-up chick in white lace-top stockings having fucking hot after-party
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Sex-crazy babe in lacy black stockings hikes up her skirt for cock invasion
Site: PantyhoseJobs Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Horny guy stroking his pecker through pantyhose after outrageous coupling
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Short-haired babe trying on a few pairs of pantyhose before steamy shagging
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Sporty chick in control top hose getting screwed hard by her kinky coach
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Hot gal in fire-fighter uniform getting licked through her ripped pantyhose
Site: PantyhoseTales Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Long-haired cutie getting her sheer pantyhose destroyed during raw shagging
Site: ShemalesFuckGuys Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Seductive shemale offers her boyfriend some oral and anal fucking options
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Mischievous hottie gets spread on the sofa by ready for action dick-girl
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: vscreen Nasty sissy guy getting his ass spanked and crammed by a strap-on armed gal
29/03/10 в 23:11
Свежие пиксовые фхг этой недели:

Site: AnalPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Randy babe in sheer pantyhose lets a guy stuff her ass with his beefy dick
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: picture Randy babe ready to read a report just after sizzling ass-screwing action
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Fiery lezzie fingering her ass in front of a strap-on armed sapphic babe
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: picture Voluptuous mature chick lusting for fresh meat while seducing a kinky guy
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Lusty gal knows some tricks how to show off her shapely legs in glossy hose
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Heated chick spreads her legs while fingering her pussy in black pantyhose
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Frisky babe in silky pantyhose massaging her pussy with a phone receiver
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Red hot chick adores the feeling of her lacy pantyhose on her shaved pussy
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Mischievous chick treating her hungry beaver with luxury silky pantyhose
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Seductive chick displays her mile-long legs in glossy control top pantyhose
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Dolled up hottie craving to touch her pussy with her glossy pantyhose on
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Captivating blondie does not mind wearing her black crotchless pantyhose
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Cutie peels off her sexy lingerie while fingering with her pantyhosed hand
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Fiery babe reveals her skills in dildotoying without taking off her tights
Site: GaysFuckGuys Niche: gay Gallery Type: picture Lewd guy ready for gay butt play to reach an agreement at business meeting
Site: GirlsForOldMen Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: picture Experienced older male tempted by a pony-tailed girlie into fucking session
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: picture Kinky next-door sissy in red top stockings with a garter getting ass-fucked
Site: KissMatures Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Passionate gal getting her fresh pussy packed with strap-on by older sappho
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Babe looks smoking hot in her silky stockings and her red cocktail dress
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Sizzling hot chick enjoys police uniform wearing her red sheer stockings
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Smashing looking babes use two strapons at once in girl-on-girl intercourse
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Hot mature maid in black shiny pantyhose gets her pussy dicked and creamed
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Heated milf in maid uniform and silky hose teasing the hell out of a stud
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Sex-crazy guy licks babe’s nyloned feet before lowering her hose for scoring
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Hot chick does extraordinary exercises putting into action her nyloned feet
Site: PantyhoseOne Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Glamour raven-head and blondie please wetting beavers thru nylon pantyhose
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Cute babe in fashion tights giving head and getting banged in any which way
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: picture Sissy guy boasts his new dresses before getting his butt strap-on fucked
01/04/10 в 18:50
Свежие мувисные фхг этой недели:

Site: ActionMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Heated mature chick spying upon a guy preparing his dick for wild scoring
Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Lusty female co-worker practicing various hot positions in wild ass fucking
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Innocent looking sappho getting talked into steamy strap-on ass-cramming
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Passionate kisses with a horny young guy lead to a sticky finale for a milf
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Lustful milf and a hung guy going from numbers game to doggystyle fucking
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: video Freaky cross-dresser in a female outfit putting his dick to work in gay sex
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: video Older waiter undressing ready to service fresh slit to the best advantage
Site: KissMatures Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Crummy mature chick wakes stunning babe aching for wild strap-on fucking
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lez girls clad in shiny nylons go for wet pussy play with a strap-on finale
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Captivating blondie stripping naked for lesbo initiation with strap-on sex
Site: LoveNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Freaky lesbo babe in barely black stockings getting advantage of huge dildo
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Sultry chick with her feet clad in nylon ready for hot quickie on the table
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Frisky babe petting a guy with her nyloned feet aching for mighty dicking
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Hottie in sheer nylons luring a lad to have fucking fun with sizzling 69ing
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Provocative babe in full-fashioned stockings going for from-behind frenzy
Site: PantyhoseForLadies Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Kinky sapphic babes in soft pantyhose enjoy all-girl play with muff-diving
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Gorgeous cutie in a sexy dress and smooth grey pantyhose getting fucked raw
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Wearing nothing but her sheer hose blonde getting licked before hot scoring
Site: PantyhoseScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Amazing strap-on fuck with hottie in smooth tights having her way with babe
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: video Kinky ladyboy goes out of control shoving her cock into a babe’s wet slit
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: video Sissy in white ff stockings and a lacy skirt bending over for strap-on fuck
Site: SecretaryPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Secretary in black hose seducing a guy getting spread and nailed at work
Site: StraponTales Niche: strapon Gallery Type: video Dazzling chick has some tricks luring a guy into steamy strap-on fucking
Site: TransPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lusty shemale in sheer pantyhose revealing her fucking talents in the gym
03/04/10 в 16:15
Свежие супер фхг (три длинных клипа) этой недели:

Site: ActionMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: svideo Heated mature chick spying upon a guy preparing his dick for wild scoring
Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: svideo Lusty female co-worker practicing various hot positions in wild ass fucking
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: svideo Older waiter undressing ready to service fresh slit to the best advantage
Site: LoveNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: svideo Freaky lesbo babe in barely black stockings getting advantage of huge dildo
Site: PantyhoseScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: svideo Amazing strap-on fuck with hottie in smooth tights having her way with babe
Site: StraponTales Niche: strapon Gallery Type: svideo Dazzling chick has some tricks luring a guy into steamy strap-on fucking
03/04/10 в 16:16
Свежие скриншотовые фхг этой недели:

Site: ActionMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Heated mature chick spying upon a guy preparing his dick for wild scoring
Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: vscreen Lusty female co-worker practicing various hot positions in wild ass fucking
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Innocent looking sappho getting talked into steamy strap-on ass-cramming
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Passionate kisses with a horny young guy lead to a sticky finale for a milf
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Naughty chick aching for some fun slipping into her soft silky pantyhose
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Smashing looking gal in slight sheen pantyhose puts on her ultra pink dress
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Lustful milf and a hung guy going from numbers game to doggystyle fucking
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: vscreen Freaky cross-dresser in a female outfit putting his dick to work in gay sex
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: vscreen Older waiter undressing ready to service fresh slit to the best advantage
Site: KissMatures Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Crummy mature chick wakes stunning babe aching for wild strap-on fucking
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Fiery office babe in dark lace-top stockings puts to work her beloved toy
Site: LadiesFuckGents Niche: strapon Gallery Type: vscreen Sizzling hot babe reveals her strap-on surprise spreading guy’s butt cheeks
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen All-naked mom and girl share one dildo toy messing about in the bathroom
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Fiery milf in glasses seduces a young girl showing her the ropes of lez sex
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Sleazy lesbo mom licks dildo and gets strap-on fucked by a ponytailed girl
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Pig-tailed babe kneels down to polish a wet pussy aching for the same treat
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Lez girls clad in shiny nylons go for wet pussy play with a strap-on finale
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Captivating blondie stripping naked for lesbo initiation with strap-on sex
Site: LoveNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Freaky lesbo babe in barely black stockings getting advantage of huge dildo
Site: MomsGiveAss Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Well-hung muscle stud hikes up a milf’s skirt probing her tight butthole
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Sultry chick with her feet clad in nylon ready for hot quickie on the table
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Frisky babe petting a guy with her nyloned feet aching for mighty dicking
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Hottie in sheer nylons luring a lad to have fucking fun with sizzling 69ing
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Provocative babe in full-fashioned stockings going for from-behind frenzy
Site: PantyhoseForLadies Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Kinky sapphic babes in soft pantyhose enjoy all-girl play with muff-diving
Site: PantyhoseOne Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Blonde and brunette put on lush patterned hose for exciting pussy grinding
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Gorgeous cutie in a sexy dress and smooth grey pantyhose getting fucked raw
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Wearing nothing but her sheer hose blonde getting licked before hot scoring
Site: PantyhoseScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Amazing strap-on fuck with hottie in smooth tights having her way with babe
Site: PantyhoseTales Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Playful coed in white control top hose smoking a pole and getting screwed
Site: ShemalesFuckGuys Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Dating a hung t-girl a guy getting his ass impaled on her throbbing pecker
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Kinky ladyboy goes out of control shoving her cock into a babe’s wet slit
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: vscreen Sissy in white ff stockings and a lacy skirt bending over for strap-on fuck
Site: SecretaryPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Secretary in black hose seducing a guy getting spread and nailed at work
Site: StraponTales Niche: strapon Gallery Type: vscreen Dazzling chick has some tricks luring a guy into steamy strap-on fucking
Site: StunningMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Lewd mature blonde munching on fresh meat and getting dicked on the stairs
Site: TransPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Lusty shemale in sheer pantyhose revealing her fucking talents in the gym
08/04/10 в 18:55
Свежие пиксовые фхг этой недели:

Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: picture Salacious blondie bending over for butt banging just after a sweet sleep
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Hot lezzie teasing a cutie with her pussy aching to put to work a strap-on
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: picture Smashing mature chick having fucking hot after-party with her younger lover
Site: BoysLoveMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: picture Sex-starved mature wife lets her lover come out and give her good pounding
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Cutie in black seamless hose choosing a lovely cocktail dress for the party
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Freaky babe in control top pantyhose dipping her fingers into her wet pussy
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Vivacious blonde girlie in barely there pantyhose flashing upskirt outdoors
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Upskirt chick in sheer pantyhose using a table for breathtaking tease-show
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Curvaceous chick gets new sensations slipping under her pantyhose waistband
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Fiery blondie in barely there pantyhose posing on her knees in the kitchen
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: picture Lusty sissy in female clothes and hosiery taking turns at wild ass-screwing
Site: KissMatures Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Naked babe doesn’t expect harsh strap-on attack from sex-crazy mature chick
Site: KissMatures Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Salacious mature lesbo going from hot tongue kissing to pussy worshipping
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Luring babe in ultra shine stockings reveals her hot nature in the kitchen
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Seductive chick willingly parting her mile-long legs in her red stockings
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Stunning babe playing with various pairs of silky stockings and her sex toy
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Lewd gal kissing all the way long from hot babe’s lips to her nyloned pussy
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Salacious French maids in fine stockings going for 69ing right on the floor
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: picture Mischievous lesbian French maids take turns licking and riding a fake cock
Site: MomsGiveAss Niche: matures Gallery Type: picture Hot milf milks a guy with her yummy ass before taking another glass of wine
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Vivacious babe splits her shapely legs apart while flashing her nyloned feet
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Awesome chick with nyloned feet ready for hot screwing after wet foreplay
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Hottie in tan pantyhose runs her vacuum cleaner with the help of her feet
Site: PantyhoseOne Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Active lesbo rips her friend’s sheer suntan hose getting access to her slit
Site: PantyhoseOne Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Two girls get hot for lesbian pantyhose making out while hanging a painting
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: picture Babe in control top tights getting screwed from behind and sucking off cock
Site: StraponTales Niche: strapon Gallery Type: picture Freaky babe can’t resist guy’s desire to get his ass strap-on fucked hard
08/04/10 в 18:56
Свежие мувисные фхг этой недели:

Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Passionate dancer teases a guy with her open butt ready for fierce drilling
Site: AnalPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Smashing chick wearing luxury pantyhose for her sizzling hot anal workout
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: video Upskirt chick seducing a kinky guy into a hardcore butt pounding session
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Kinky sapphic babe making her ass ready for breathtaking lesbian making out
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: video Awesome mature babe pleasuring herself aching for harsh anal with a chap
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: video Pervy sissy puts on a blond wig and a dress luring a neighbor into dicking
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: video Eager chick lowering older male’s trousers going down for hot cock-riding
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lewd gal in white stockings opens her pussy for her favorite rubber friend
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Strap-on armed lesbian babes in soft silky stockings playing dirty games
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Gorgeous babe getting ready for strap-on onslaught after lesbian foreplay
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: video Freaky sapphic chick getting down to strap-on fucking after a numbers game
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Lewd mom with nylon tights stuffed under pantyhose waistband ready for fuck
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Hottie sliding her nyloned feet into a guy’s mouth ready for steamy doggie
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Fiery babe in barely visible stockings going down for fucking billiard game
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Randy babe in silky red stockings gets spread-eagled for deep penetration
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Seductive chick clad in smooth hose rubbing her crotch before hot fucking
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Desirable hottie in dark patterned pantyhose getting worshipped and banged
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: video Girl in sheer hose getting her pussy rubbed and licked before steamy boning
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: video Red hot babe can’t shift her eyes from a t-girl’s cock aching for dicking
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: video Nasty sissy guy lets a hottie stuff his asshole with her king-size strap-on
10/04/10 в 00:42
Свежие супер фхг (три длинных клипа) этой недели:

Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: svideo Pervy sissy puts on a blond wig and a dress luring a neighbor into dicking
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: svideo Strap-on armed lesbian babes in soft silky stockings playing dirty games
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: svideo Freaky sapphic chick getting down to strap-on fucking after a numbers game
10/04/10 в 00:42
Свежие скриншотовые фхг этой недели:

Site: AnalScreen Niche: anal Gallery Type: vscreen Passionate dancer teases a guy with her open butt ready for fierce drilling
Site: AnalPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Smashing chick wearing luxury pantyhose for her sizzling hot anal workout
Site: AnalSaga Niche: anal Gallery Type: vscreen Upskirt chick seducing a kinky guy into a hardcore butt pounding session
Site: BackdoorLesbians Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Kinky sapphic babe making her ass ready for breathtaking lesbian making out
Site: ePantyhoseLand Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Pretty waitress changing into new suntan pantyhose after a hard working day
Site: GuysForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Awesome mature babe pleasuring herself aching for harsh anal with a chap
Site: GirlsForOldMen Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: vscreen Older male wakes up sensing the smell of fresh pussy of a gorgeous filly
Site: GaySissies Niche: gay Gallery Type: vscreen Pervy sissy puts on a blond wig and a dress luring a neighbor into dicking
Site: HornyOldGents Niche: oldmen Gallery Type: vscreen Eager chick lowering older male’s trousers going down for hot cock-riding
Site: LacyNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Lewd gal in white stockings opens her pussy for her favorite rubber friend
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Mature sappho massaging a fresh pussy with her ready for action strap-on
Site: GirlsForMatures Niche: matures Gallery Type: vscreen Hot mom gets her muff impaled on a gal’s strap-on after a game of billiards
Site: LadiesKissLadies Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Sultry lesbian babe using special tricks kissing and eating a soaking slit
Site: LickNylons Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Strap-on armed lesbian babes in soft silky stockings playing dirty games
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Gorgeous babe getting ready for strap-on onslaught after lesbian foreplay
Site: LickSonic Niche: lesbian Gallery Type: vscreen Freaky sapphic chick getting down to strap-on fucking after a numbers game
Site: MaturesAndPantyhose Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Lewd mom with nylon tights stuffed under pantyhose waistband ready for fuck
Site: NylonFeetLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Horny neighbor spying upon a babe with her lovely feet in silky pantyhose
Site: NylonFeetVideos Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Hottie sliding her nyloned feet into a guy’s mouth ready for steamy doggie
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Fiery babe in barely visible stockings going down for fucking billiard game
Site: NylonScreen Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Randy babe in silky red stockings gets spread-eagled for deep penetration
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Seductive chick clad in smooth hose rubbing her crotch before hot fucking
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Desirable hottie in dark patterned pantyhose getting worshipped and banged
Site: PantyhoseLine Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Girl in sheer hose getting her pussy rubbed and licked before steamy boning
Site: PantyhoseTales Niche: pantyhose Gallery Type: vscreen Bigtitted hottie getting her sheer-to-waist tights ripped open for a score
Site: ShemalesFuckGuys Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Sizzling hot shemale welcomes a horny dude with her ready for action cock
Site: ShemalesFuckGirls Niche: shemale Gallery Type: vscreen Red hot babe can’t shift her eyes from a t-girl’s cock aching for dicking
Site: StraponSissies Niche: strapon Gallery Type: vscreen Nasty sissy guy lets a hottie stuff his asshole with her king-size strap-on
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