А сколько времени проходит, чтобы разлочили аккаунт после отправки всех документов на верификацию? У меня уже 10 дней прошло. Писал им по внутренней почти и на мыло (спрашивал все ли в порядке с доками). Не отвечают.
Карточку еще в марте залочили. Причем мне даже никакого письма не прислали, пока я сам не спросил, что случилось с моей карточкой...
хм, то верифицировали за сутки, то 12 дней тянут уже. Доки посылал и Майклу, и на епассовский имейл. Трудности с переводом, что ли? :(
Пнул майка вчера сразу сделали все... но вот прислали какую-то фигню насчет того что статус поменяли акка... теперь не могу получать платежи от обычных акков. Кто нибуть сталкивался с этим. До этого все было ок. Может у кого-то такая же ситуация была как быть?
Dear ePassporte Account Holder,
ePassporte implemented new security rules that affected your ePassporte Account and how you use it. Your ePassporte Account is now classified as a Controlled Account and the following changes had been implemented to your:
1. Your account will no longer be placed in Fund Protection Mode for reaching a balance of $5,000.00 US and you will not be asked to send us verification documents for this.
2. Funds may only be added to your ePassporte account by receiving Business-to-Peer (B2P) transfers from ePassporte Business accountholders or by using credit cards that you've successfully verified in the past. Please note that you will be unable to register and verify any new credit cards with ePassporte.
3. Receipt of funds from other ePassporte Non-Business Accounts through the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) functionality is no longer offered to Controlled Accounts. If you have an ePassporte Controlled Gift Card account, the only non-business account you may receive money from is the ePassporte Account Holder that gave you this account as a gift.
4. You may continue to send P2P transfers to other Standard, Non-Business ePassporte Accounts however; you will be unable to purchase any new ePassporte Gift Accounts. Previously purchased Gift Accounts will be maintained and you may continue to send funds to these Gift Accounts through the P2P functionality as you wish.
Please note that none of these items can be changed, activated or deactivated. Please understand that ePassporte takes security very seriously and had implemented these changes to better secure the safety of our cardholders and of ePassporte.
We hope that this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance and inquiries.
Best Regards,
ePassporte Cardholder Services
Toll-Free from US: 1-877-372-7790
International and US: 1-310-301-2001