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Тема: Need designer(s) for 60 tgp/mgp designs
27/11/06 в 17:12
looking for 2 designers willing to design me 60 ( 2 x 30 ) tgp and mgp site designs ( not gallery design, but whole page ).

if you are interested in doing the job, please email me at
webmaster [at] pornonada [dot] com
subject: tgp/mgp design offer
please write in english if possible

- recent tgp/mgp designs you made (portfolio)
- timeframe in which you can make/design 30 designs
- price per design (discount for 30 designs)

thank you very much in avance for your time.

P.S.: sorry for posting in english, but can't write in russian

Последний раз редактировалось: pornonada (29/11/06 в 01:58), всего редактировалось 1 раз
27/11/06 в 17:38
at icq 326268589 please icon_smile.gif
27/11/06 в 17:43

i would, but my icq is down nearly all the time today, sorry. use email for today please. If icq connects normally i will reply to your offer on icq than, but for now i can not connect icq for longer than 2 minutes :-(
27/11/06 в 17:48
looks like webmater means webmaSter :)
email sent
27/11/06 в 17:54
mf писал:
looks like webmater means webmaSter icon_smile.gif
email sent

damn, yes, thx very much.

correct is:

webmaster [at] pornonada [dot] com
27/11/06 в 17:54
icq 107706501
27/11/06 в 18:07
Оффтопик: does that mean that international cooperation is possible?
smail44.gif smail101.gif
27/11/06 в 18:07
Roby писал:
icq 107706501

uhmmm, again:

i would, but my icq is down nearly all the time today, sorry. use email for today please. If icq connects normally i will reply to your offer on icq than, but for now i can not connect icq for longer than 2 minutes :-(

so again, please ONLY email, i'am not going to contat anybody right now neither i can. Send me the info (like requested in the 1st post) and if i like your work and price i will get back to you on ICQ!!!!!
27/11/06 в 18:15
 stash на минутку
Praetorian писал:
at icq 326268589 please icon_smile.gif

pornonada: + 1 for this guy - he's the best smail54.gif

unfortunately we dont accept orders temporary ... very good deal you suggest.

Последний раз редактировалось: stash на минутку (27/11/06 в 18:16), всего редактировалось 1 раз
27/11/06 в 18:16
message sent, check out your mail box icon_smile.gif
27/11/06 в 18:22
Оборотень писал:
Оффтопик: does that mean that international cooperation is possible?
smail44.gif smail101.gif

yes, sure, why not? i don't care from where a business partner is as long as both parties apply to the agreement they made and the work is good. I have seen many very good designs made by russians and that's why i'am posting here too.
27/11/06 в 18:25
mf писал:
looks like webmater means webmaSter icon_smile.gif
email sent

got our email, thx a lot, some of the samples look good ;-)
27/11/06 в 18:46
adult-designer писал:
message sent, check out your mail box icon_smile.gif

got your email too, thx very much for your offer, some of the designs look very interesting as well.

i will get back to everybody who is/was interested and has sent an email and in some days and contact the ones i consider good offers and good quality on icq.

thx again so far.

So again, someone interested in doing this work, please email me at:

webmaster [at] pornonada [dot] com
in English please with

- samples of your work
- timeframe in which you can make/design 30 designs
- price per tgp/mgp (disocunt on 30 designs)
28/11/06 в 12:14
bump, this offer is still actual. I will wait some more 2 or 3 days until i make a decision who to choose for the designs, so if you are interested, keep the offers coming please.
29/11/06 в 06:41
Check out your mail box. ;)
29/11/06 в 08:44
message sent
29/11/06 в 09:52
Praetorian писал:
at icq 326268589 please icon_smile.gif

this guy ROCK !

29/11/06 в 13:05
Demon12 писал:
Check out your mail box. ;)


i got your email but i have some problems to understand your prices. You wrote it a bit strange so i would like to ask you to define it a bit more clear what the price per design and price per 30 designs would be.

As it's personal information you have sent i don't want to post it here, so please send me again an email like:

1 Design = XX US$
30 Designs = XX US$
30 Designs = XX% Discount

or something like that so i can clear see what you have in mind. Thx again
30/11/06 в 20:56
anybody else? i will wait 24 hours from now until i will make my decision so if you are interested in doing the work, please see 1st post please.
08/12/06 в 02:49
thank you very much to everybody who was interested in the job.
I hired 3 designers so there is no more need to apply.

Please do NOT anymore apply for this work!

thx again ;-)
08/12/06 в 03:02
Diablo II писал:
this guy ROCK !

TRAITOR!!! smail43.gif icon_lol.gif
09/12/06 в 02:43
Praetorian писал:
at icq 326268589 please icon_smile.gif

da best

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