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Тема: Searching for content
28/10/06 в 13:41
Hello , I m sorry if I speak english in a russian forum but maybe my proposal can be interesting for some one . I m searching for content producers interested in selling content trough my store. And I m searching also for various content for my websites too. Please if you are interesed send me an e mail to and include your icq if its possible. Thank you and sorry for the english icon_smile.gif
28/10/06 в 15:08
 Христо Проданоф
Hi, If you have a web shop and invite photographers, could you please post your shop's URL?
28/10/06 в 16:23
yeah, that would be great
31/10/06 в 01:21
I will post the link in a few days we are installing Oscommerce and uploading content icon_smile.gif in the mean time if some is interested can contact me to my icq :

487 884262
31/10/06 в 05:47
What kind of unique features do you offer for content producers?
31/10/06 в 12:30
If you are interested in teen content, write me icq 300492239
31/10/06 в 12:46
Khi averybadi!
Ich shprakhen russish khu'yevato, so ich'm writting in inostranish.
Ich kann buy all your photkis for good $$$$$!!!!
Bitter send me your photo und vidio of andressed ladys on my i-mail! Bigger ist better!!!!
Gut mani for gut job!!!
01/11/06 в 15:48
 Христо Проданоф

Палиш, чортяко!
17/11/06 в 12:13
Я дам контента. без проблем. Весь контент заточен под домай и фэмджой, главное плати.
17/11/06 в 12:28
protch писал:
Khi averybadi!
Ich shprakhen russish khu'yevato, so ich'm writting in inostranish.
Ich kann buy all your photkis for good $$$$$!!!!
Bitter send me your photo und vidio of andressed ladys on my i-mail! Bigger ist better!!!!
Gut mani for gut job!!!

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