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Тема: EPassporte Support
03/01/06 в 12:16
My Epassporte VISA Virtual card expired on December 2005.
When it will be renewed?
03/01/06 в 16:20
Hi! Several monthes ago I tried to open a personal account but I didn't manage. I phoned the epassport support team and got the answer "We don't accept credit cards issued in Russia and russian IPs". Do you still restrict russian credit cards and IPs?
07/01/06 в 06:16
 Keyser Soze
Vincent.Bond писал:
Can i receive payments from adult programs to personal account? and send money to other personal account? Or i must to open Commerce account? Thank You and Happy New Year icon_smile.gif

Yes you can do that with a personal account.
07/01/06 в 06:17
 Keyser Soze
vicon писал:
How much time I must wait fot account verification?

Shouldn't be more than a couple of days mail me you account name and I'll get someone to look into it if it has been longer.
07/01/06 в 06:18
 Keyser Soze
color писал:
My Epassporte VISA Virtual card expired on December 2005.
When it will be renewed?

It will be renewed in the beginning of the month when it expires if you have $35 for a new card in your account.

Email me your account name and make sure you have $35 in your account and I'll make sure its ordered for you if it hasn't already.
07/01/06 в 06:19
 Keyser Soze
Rikki Mongoosto писал:
Hi! Several monthes ago I tried to open a personal account but I didn't manage. I phoned the epassport support team and got the answer "We don't accept credit cards issued in Russia and russian IPs". Do you still restrict russian credit cards and IPs?

I don't know, let me find out and get back to you.
07/01/06 в 21:53
Two of my friends try to open GIFT account for me, but there is always ERROR icon_sad.gif
You cannot purchase a gift card at this time. Please contact customer service for more information.

08/01/06 в 03:28
а реально ли купить с рук б/у шный акк? если да то почем?
08/01/06 в 05:29
 Keyser Soze
JM писал:
Two of my friends try to open GIFT account for me, but there is always ERROR icon_sad.gif
You cannot purchase a gift card at this time. Please contact customer service for more information.

He needs to have a credit card attached to the account before he is able to open a gift account.
10/01/06 в 05:40
 Keyser Soze
klim писал:
Hi! Several monthes ago I tried to open a personal account but I didn't manage. I phoned the epassport support team and got the answer "We don't accept credit cards issued in Russia and russian IPs". Do you still restrict russian credit cards and IPs?


You can signup using a Russian CC but it requires you mail in a copy of your cc and ID to verify your account.
Please email me at michael.olsen /at/ epassporte . com and I'll help you get the process started.
10/01/06 в 14:20

my Epass mail doesn't work - only blank frame is shown when I click to "email" in account menu. I wrote about the problem to your technical support (cs[at]epassporte[dot]com) two times - no any answer icon_sad.gif

Full description of this problem and account number is sent on email "master-x [at] jerro [dot] com"
10/01/06 в 20:38
 Keyser Soze
Zeus писал:
my Epass mail doesn't work - only blank frame is shown when I click to "email" in account menu. I wrote about the problem to your technical support (cs[at]epassporte[dot]com) two times - no any answer icon_sad.gif
Full description of this problem and account number is sent on email "master-x [at] jerro [dot] com"

I accidently deleted you email can you email me again?
10/01/06 в 20:55
Keyser Soze писал:

Please log into your ePassporte email, there should be a new email with the CVV2 number.

Thank you very much ! icon_smile.gif
10/01/06 в 22:10
Keyser Soze писал:
I accidently deleted you email can you email me again?

email is repeated
11/01/06 в 11:48
Кто подскажет номер счета епасса в формате IBAN для высылки инициального платежа?

А то насколько я понял банк у них
Beneficiary Bank: Fortis Bank (Curacao) N.V. (formerly: MeesPierson, Curacao N.V.)
В нидерландах, а они мне дали счет без ибана, просто цифры и в упор отказываются давать ибан, говорят что у них его нет. А мне по европе без ибана слать нельзя icon_sad.gif)
11/01/06 в 13:00
=Diler= писал:
Кто подскажет номер счета епасса в формате IBAN для высылки инициального платежа?
А то насколько я понял банк у них
Beneficiary Bank: Fortis Bank (Curacao) N.V. (formerly: MeesPierson, Curacao N.V.)
В нидерландах, а они мне дали счет без ибана, просто цифры и в упор отказываются давать ибан, говорят что у них его нет. А мне по европе без ибана слать нельзя icon_sad.gif)

Ну ты вопрос по-английски таки напиши, а то я сомневаюсь что он русский понимает icon_smile.gif
11/01/06 в 15:01
 Keyser Soze
I used Babelfish and I think I got the problem.

When making international transfers you use either IBAN or SWFT.
ePassportes bank in the Netherlands Antilles uses SWIFT.
If you talk to your bank you should be able to send ePassporte money using the SWIFT code.

Personally when I receive money from sponsors in the US (I am in Denmark) I give them the SWIFT code to my bank, my account number, name and address. I've nerv used IBAN.
11/01/06 в 18:24
=Diler= писал:
Кто подскажет номер счета епасса в формате IBAN для высылки инициального платежа?
А то насколько я понял банк у них
Beneficiary Bank: Fortis Bank (Curacao) N.V. (formerly: MeesPierson, Curacao N.V.)
В нидерландах, а они мне дали счет без ибана, просто цифры и в упор отказываются давать ибан, говорят что у них его нет. А мне по европе без ибана слать нельзя icon_sad.gif)

Это не Нидерланды, а Netherlands Antilles (острова в карибском море)
У них нет IBAN, т.к. это не Европа icon_smile.gif
19/01/06 в 13:45
Hi. Few day ago i try to connect in but saw:
"ePassporte monitors your account closely to insure that your funds are protected from fraudulent use. Your account has been temporarily suspended, pending our investigation, due to unusual activity.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact ePassporte as soon as possible.

ePassporte Cardholder Services"
Then i wrote message to (it was 3 days ago), but support doesnt answer me. When i will be able access to my acc?
19/01/06 в 22:22
glewar писал:
Hi. Few day ago i try to connect in but saw:
"ePassporte monitors your account closely to insure that your funds are protected from fraudulent use. Your account has been temporarily suspended, pending our investigation, due to unusual activity.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact ePassporte as soon as possible.
ePassporte Cardholder Services"
Then i wrote message to (it was 3 days ago), but support doesnt answer me. When i will be able access to my acc?

была похожая ситуевина, писать бесполезно, звони, если трабла не оч серьезная решат минут за 15... а писать можно неделями..
19/01/06 в 23:18
 Keyser Soze
glewar писал:
Hi. Few day ago i try to connect in but saw:
"ePassporte monitors your account closely to insure that your funds are protected from fraudulent use. Your account has been temporarily suspended, pending our investigation, due to unusual activity.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please contact ePassporte as soon as possible.
ePassporte Cardholder Services"
Then i wrote message to (it was 3 days ago), but support doesnt answer me. When i will be able access to my acc?

Please email me at michael.olsen /at/+ epassporte . com
20/01/06 в 15:17
Please email me at michael.olsen /at/+ epassporte . com


была похожая ситуевина, писать бесполезно, звони, если трабла не оч серьезная решат минут за 15... а писать можно неделями..

у меня раньше тоже были похожие ситуации. но всё по мылу быстро решалось. посмотрим, что выйдет сейчас.
20/01/06 в 23:52
I had open an Epassport account 5 month ago, but I did not receive the Credit Card yet.
Lotsa times I have request the CC but nothing happens.

My address is okay, i dont know what is the problem.

My account on Epassporte is

Best regards.
21/01/06 в 01:11
Keyser Soze писал:
If its a VISA or Mastercard you can sign up on or you can get a sponsor to open one for you. Many sponsors that offers ePassporte as payout will open an account for you with your next payout.

Hmm... I see you accept Latvian cards without problems. However I really wonder why don't you accept Russian cards? I mean the ones issued by Russian banks.
21/01/06 в 02:03
 Keyser Soze
cyberxxx писал:
Hmm... I see you accept Latvian cards without problems. However I really wonder why don't you accept Russian cards? I mean the ones issued by Russian banks.

A high rate of fraud requires signups from Russia and some other countries to verify their accounts on signup.
This can be done by filling out a form with info and mail it back with: a copy of goverment issued ID, copy of front and back of credit card and a credit card statement or utility bill with your address on it.
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