DirectNIC начал ходить домены!
Письмо, которое я от них получил относительно одного из моих доменов:
We have brought it to your attention that one or more of your domain names lists inaccurate information in the WHOIS contact database. You will lose your domain name(s) if this information is not updated within 24 hours.
Here is a list of affected domains:
Please login to your account and correct the above information:
Why must we do this? Unfortunately, as a domain name registrar, the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has placed the responsibility on us to enforce the governing body's rules,
including seeing to it that information provided in WHOIS is up to date
and accurate.
Failure for Intercosmos to adhere to these rules, after being notified
of a potential violation, is grounds for our company's accreditation to
be revoked. One major registrar already was threatened with this very
Information on how to update your domains' contact information can be
found at
Please know that we value you as a customer and do not want to be forced to delete your domain name. However, this is a policy that all
registrars have been ordered to enforce. Therefore, please update your
contact information, as per the directNIC Terms of Service,, as soon as possible
and reply to once you have updated this
The contact information of an individual who has registered a domain
name is required to be legitimate contact information. This information
is also required to be available to the public through the WHOIS database.
According to ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the governing body for the registration of domain names, a domain name registered by an entity providing invalid contact information is grounds for revocation of the registration of the domain name. They state that registrars 'should require not only that registrants respond to inquiries within 15 days but that the response be accompanied by documentary proof of the accuracy of the 'corrected' data submitted, and that a response lacking such documentation may be treated as a failure to respond.'
Replying will ensure there is no loss of services on your domain.
If you are concerned about your privacy online, note that your WHOIS
domain contact information has to be accurate, but it does not have to
be your home address. It can be a work or business' address.
Intercosmos also is working on alternative solutions for this issue of
privacy for its customers. One solution is for customers to use a third
party company to hold their domain name registrations privately, under
the company's name. We have setup a new company,, that offers this service. There are
others available as well.
Thank you for your cooperation and for choosing directNIC.
Please update your information and fax to us proof of all your contacts
for these domains to 504-566-0484. Please send your fax to the
Attention of the Abuse Department.
directNIC Customer Support
Насколько я знаю официального ICANN акредитованого регистратора
в РОССИИ нет.
Удовольствие дорогое порядка $120к если учесть разработку софта.
При том себестоимость домена будет $6.13 включая налоги.
Мы работаем с 1999 года как партнеры OPENSRS, и последние 8 месяцев стали партнером DIRECTI DBA ИНДИЯ.
За это время у нас почти 7000 доменов, под 1000 клиентов и каджый день кол-во увеличивается.
Зарегистрировав домен у нас, вы не рискуете его потерять, даже если мы исчезнем с рынка, директи останется и около 500 партнеров, вы сможете БЕСПЛАТНО ПЕРЕНЕСТИ ДОМЕН С ЛЮБОГО АКАУНТА партнера директи либо на самого директи.
Панель можно посмотреть зарегистрировав в базу любой тестовый домен на нашем сайте.
Если есть дополнительные вопросы, мы круглосуточно в ICQ.