Имхо можно успеть только с вирусным маркетингом, разместив скандальную правду о том что гостиниц нет, дороги грунтовые, от стадионов отваливаются осветительные мачты и на улицах полно бомжей-туберкулезников. Размещаемая реклама по вкусу.
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зы - а этож гид...тогда хз, всем похуй на эти игры и на сочи.
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What are the Olympic and Paralympic Marks?
In accordance with Art. 7 of Federal Law dd. December 1, 2007, No. 310-ФЗ "On the Organization and Staging of the ХХII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in the city of Sochi, the Development of the city of Sochi as an Alpine Climatic Resort and the Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", "Olympics Marks" include designations “Олимпийский”, “Олимпиада”, “Сочи 2014”, “Olympic”, “Olympian”, “Olympiad”, “Olympic Winter Games”, “Olympic Games”, “Sochi 2014”, “Паралимпийский”, “Паралимпиада”, “Paralympic”, “Paralympian”, “Paralympiad”, “Paralympic Winter Games” and “Paralympic Games”the Olympic symbol (five rings) and the Paralympic symbol (the agitos), the Olympic flame, Torch, Flag, Anthem, Motto and Paralympic Flag, Anthem, and Motto, emblems, symbols and Sochi 2014 Games designations or images resembling them, as well as emblems and symbols of previous and future Olympic and Paralympic Games. It also includes works of art, musical, literary and other works containing Olympic marks and/or Paralympic marks or any elements used to designate the Olympic and Paralympic Games
The majority of Olympic and Paralympic Mark items are protected as registered trademarks.
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