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Тема: New version of Tube Sites Submitter released!
05/04/13 в 11:22
Dear users,

We bring you a new version of Tube Sites Submitter ( )again. In the upcoming weeks we're going to upgrade Tube Sites Submitter ( ) twice.
We did a few significant changes in order to have the most tube sites in auto-upload mode.

In this version we added:
EDIT BUTTON in Step 4 ( UPLOAD ) – just click the button and it'll take you back to Step 3 ( VIDEO ) where you can edit your video.
SEARCH IN STEP 3 ( VIDEO ) – mark any line and click CTRL + F, type your keywords into the box and Tube Sites Submitter will find the words you are looking for
in the video upload descriptions.

How to upgrade to the latest version?
It's easy, just open Tube Sites Submitter and the whole upgrade process will be done automatically. Upgrade to the new version is completely free!

Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Chameleon Submitter Team

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