Помогите настроить WhiteLabel от WebcamWiz, кто занимался! Домен на
Переписка с Эваном не помогла. Если бы знал что повешать на домен получше, точно бы забил на этого спонсора с таким общением.
me 14.06.2012 13:52
Hello, Evan!
I made all what registrar said - made My name server with IP, next use it in NS for domain and I see it in whois but still no site on domain...
Eran ( 14.06.2012 15:44
contact your domain registrar to solve this. 99% of these cases are caused by this
me 14.06.2012 15:45
Последние сообщения
Eran ( - доступен
me 0:44
hello! I still can't resolve problem about DNS in WL site...
me 0:45
few days ago my regisrar ( added new option (DNS control) and I can change DNS and A,NS,CNAME,MX,TXT...
Eran ( 0:46
for which WL?
me 0:47
me 0:47 Вы открыли общий доступ к картинкам для Eran (
Отмена Отправить как файлы
Eran ( 0:48 Eran ( просматривает ваши картинки
Eran ( 0:49
WL site looks fine for me
showing and all
me 0:49
do you see
Eran ( 0:49
yes, white / orange color
me 0:50
it's not opening for me...
Eran ( 0:50
clear coockies + cache
me 0:51
me 0:52
I tried now to enter by mo phone - can't, see dns failure
Eran ( 0:53
also works on mobile
Eran ( 0:54
you're good to go buddy
me 0:55
very strange... I checked it by and it down from there, not just for me...
Eran ( 0:58 Пользователь Eran ( открыл общий доступ к картинкам для вас
Eran ( 0:58 Пользователь Eran ( открыл общий доступ к картинкам для вас
me 1:00
maybe only you can see it? I don't know why...
me 1:01
How I can check correct or not changed in domain panel, I don't know what is AAA, MX and stuff like on pic whish I sent
Eran ( 1:02
i dont know... i think u went too deep into this.
it is quit simple actually and as i see on my side your site is operating normally
Eran ( 1:03
so try focusing on traffic now
Eran ( 1:04
starting august there will be an insane promotion in Webcamwiz WL's and we'll practically give out money like mofo's is celebrating 10th birthday!!
me 1:04
Кто то еще видит сайт, кроме Эрана пусикеша?