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02/01/12 в 09:09
Aloha Friends, First of all, Roni and I would like to wish all of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Way back in 1999, when we first opened the doors to, it was a major struggle to get recognized in the sea of amateur sites and being the greenhorns that we were, had no idea on how to promote our site to the masses. It was only when we sought YOUR help, our loyal and hard working affiliate friends, that we saw the true potential of what our site was capable of and for that we will be forever grateful. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and after much debate, we've decided to close our site completely at the end of January. As such, on January 2nd, we will no longer be accepting new joins and I request that you redirect your traffic elsewhere. We will continue to update our site throughout the month to ensure that members you have sent WILL get their moneys' worth. Any existing recurring members will be directed to cancel their subscriptions so they will not be rebilled in February. We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause some of you and hope you understand that for several reasons, we feel it's something we need to do. Aloha and Mahalo to you all and thank you for making Roni's Paradise so successful over the years. We will remember you always. Lucky and Roni

Если вкратце, то в конце января они закроются. Снимаем траф у кого есть.
02/01/12 в 12:03
Хуевая новость icon_confused.gif
09/01/12 в 11:43
Happy 2012 from both of us here at Roni's Paradise! As you no doubt have already heard, we started the New Year with a bang by announcing our shut down, but thankfully my wife had a change of heart and has a renewed sense of commitment to our members and you. I can't tell you how relieved I am that she changed her mind 'cause I was down to my last tab of Valium!

Передумали закрываться smail101.gif
09/01/12 в 15:53
Передумали закрываться smail101.gif

Типа адалт жив smail101.gif
Видимо хорошо жиранули на НГ smail101.gif
09/01/12 в 16:12
- Я устал.. я ухожу..
- Я отдохнул.. я прихожу! trollface.png
09/01/12 в 16:13
А может и не валиум это был вовсе smail101.gif

Последний раз редактировалось: LEO (09/01/12 в 16:25), всего редактировалось 1 раз
09/01/12 в 16:17
Бабке за 60! Ну хочет старушка спокойно полузгать семачек на лавочке перед гавайским парадняком, повязать носочки внучикам. Так нет же, опять ноги раздвигай!... smail101.gif

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