Пришло вот такое письмо. Домен продлен в Что это за хрень, кто-то может подсказать? Особенно вот эта фраза не понятна "Failure to complete this order by May 13, 2011 may result in the cancellation of this offer (making it difficult for your customers to locate you using search engines on the web)." - что это за бред?
Priority Notification of Expiration
Domain Name: F*****E.COM
Bill To: Invoice # 1304041916
Invoice Date Apr 28, 2011
Los Angeles, AE Terms Net 14
62305 - US Due Date May 13, 2011
+7.9232375414 P.O. #
128Bit Secure Online Payment
Domain Name Registration Price Term
F*****E.COM Apr 28, 2011 - Apr 28, 2012 $75.00 1 Year
Attn :
This solicitation is to inform you that it's time to send in your search engine registration for F*****E.COM. DRS is a submission service and search engine ranking provider.
Failure to complete this order by May 13, 2011 may result in the cancellation of this offer (making it difficult for your customers to locate you using search engines on the web).
F*****E.COM registration will include search engine submission for 1 year. You are under no obligation to pay the amount stated above unless you accept this offer by May 13, 2011. This notice is not an invoice. It is a courtesy reminder to register F*****E.COM for search engine listing so that your customers can locate you on the web.
Act Soon! This Offer for F*****E.COM will expire on May 13, 2011. Act today!
For Domain Name: F*****E.COM
128Bit Secure Online Payment
Урлы я затер, по ссылке на самом деле я попадаю сюда:
Развод, пару месяцев назад такое же получал, только под видом другой конторы. Расчет, что ты будешь невнимателен и трансфернешь к ним домен, за 75 баксов.
Это не трансфер доменов. А "регистрация в поисковых системах", за 75 баксов.
Много старшных букв, на лоха.