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Тема: Качественный текстовый контент
29/03/11 в 11:47
Качественный уникальный текстовый контент!

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Peoples of the ancient world was used to 21 thousand species of plants. Already in the earliest stages of human development the plants were not the only source of nutrition, they help a person get rid of the disease. The oldest extant medical treatises - a plaque was found during excavations of the Sumerian city (III millennium BC). In the 145 lines in the Sumerian language are prescribing 15 recipes. They imply that the doctors of ancient Sumer, used mostly plants such as mustard, fir, pine, sage, plum fruit, pears, figs, willow, etc.
Culture and knowledge of the ancient Sumerians inherited the Babylonians, who used for medicinal purposes licorice root, datura, bleached, linseed, etc. The Babylonians noticed that sunlight has an adverse impact on the healing properties of certain plants, so they dried in the shade, and even some herbs collected night. Widely used plants in China, India and Tibet. Back in 3216 BC. er. Chinese Emperor Shennun wrote a work on medicine, "Pen-Tsao" (Travnik), which basically describes herbal remedies. Chinese medicine has used more than 1500 plants. The most commonly used licorice, primrose, ginseng, Chinese magnolia, skull-cap, onion, garlic, asparagus, astragalus, cinnamon, ginger, tangerine peel, cornel.
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