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Тема: Кинкстеры охренели...
26/04/10 в 19:13
Вот не большая переписка с Джоном, по поводу выплат:

Project (18:55:09 26/04/2010)
Hi, John!

John (18:55:26 26/04/2010)

Project (18:55:49 26/04/2010)
When payments during April, 1-15st 2010 are planned? Or for what period there will be payments, and when?

John (18:57:38 26/04/2010)
April, 1-15st 2010 should be paid on June 1th 2010

Project (18:58:07 26/04/2010)

Project (18:58:48 26/04/2010)
At you what hold period???

Project (19:04:57 26/04/2010)
At you it is written: weekly payments! And you speak that pay for April, 1-15st only in one and a half month? How it to understand?

John (19:09:35 26/04/2010)
ok , yeah there is a hold period since the date of the sale

John (19:09:45 26/04/2010)
and we pay every 2 weeks

John (19:09:57 26/04/2010)
on 1th and 16 of every month

Project (19:13:54 26/04/2010)

If I have made sales in 1-15 why these sales aren't set off on my balance? Till now my balance is equal $** though in April, 1-15st I have made sales on $***.00... WTF? On banner it is written that you pay weekly, and you speak to me that pay 1 time in 2 weeks?

John (19:16:13 26/04/2010)
what's your account?

John (19:17:20 26/04/2010)
about the banner, i have somebody updating that info, it was a mistake if it say weekly payments, our apologize for that

Project (19:51:07 26/04/2010)
> what's your account?

Project (19:59:28 26/04/2010)
And the hold period in is one and a half month too much...
It is very bad.

John (20:00:15 26/04/2010)
every sale it has 1 hold period to avoid chargebacks and credits

John (20:00:24 26/04/2010)
and we pay on 1 and 16

John (20:00:54 26/04/2010)
so depend of the date that make the sale it could delay one month and a half

Project (20:04:49 26/04/2010)
KinkyDollars have hold lasting 10 days after the termination of calendar month! Many other things have hold in 15 days after the termination of the period from 1-15 and from 16-31. Very few people has hold lasting 1 month. But in one and a half month nobody has hold! Only at you such long hold...

John (20:06:58 26/04/2010)
im going to speak with the owners and see if they can change the way they are doing payouts

John (20:07:14 26/04/2010)
i will let you know once i got a response from them

Project (20:09:31 26/04/2010)
Ok. Thanks.

John (20:09:41 26/04/2010)
no problem
26/04/10 в 20:19
 uncle Misha
Не, блядь, ну они если не выебнуться то это не они будут.
Охренеть, действительно.

Помню несколько лет назад они меня тумбы заставляли сносить, потому что я их без разрешения с морды надёргал icon_smile.gif

Когда партнёрку с промо увидел, думал за ум взялись...
А тут на тебе, новый выебон.
26/04/10 в 20:38
ТС, ты сигу свою поправь. а то лицемерно как-то icon_razz.gif
зы: вот в моей сиге платят в любой день по запросу и без холда, так что моя совесть чиста.
26/04/10 в 21:18
uncle Misha: icon_smile.gif Прав!
DNK: Не, продаются то они очень не плохо на фоне апрельского кризиса...
А вот твоя сига у меня пока по нулям с продажами... icon_wink.gif , хотя я расчитывал на лучший результат учитывая незадроченость контента... Но, как показывает практика, у меня пока не складываются любвиобильные взаимоотношения с твоей сигой...
26/04/10 в 23:52
эт ты плохо старался. у людей одна любовь случается на 380 попыток smail101.gif
27/04/10 в 06:16
DNK: Все индивидуально...icon_smile.gif
27/04/10 в 15:28
не знаю как у кого а у меня ратио на них ГАВНО! ожидал намного лучше...
а про выебоны - было бы удивительно, если без них icon_smile.gif
27/04/10 в 19:10
Вроде как разобрались...icon_smile.gif Джон где-то потерял месяц май, у него после апреля сразу шел июнь...icon_smile.gif Я так понял, у них реально холд в 1 месяц после окончания периода на первый месяц работы нового аффилиата, а потом выплачивать должны каждые 2 недели...

John (19:31:02 27/04/2010)
Hi there

John (19:31:21 27/04/2010)
I have a question:

John (19:31:31 27/04/2010)
did you post any thread yesterday about a hold period of 45 days?

Project (19:50:48 27/04/2010)
Yes, I have shared yesterday the information with colleagues at forum.
It is problem?

John (19:51:12 27/04/2010)
is because i said several times that our hold period is 30 days

John (19:51:24 27/04/2010)
i dont know why you still saying 45 days

John (19:51:49 27/04/2010)
30 days and we pay every 1th and 16th of each month

Project (19:53:31 27/04/2010)
You said:
> April, 1-15st 2010 should be paid on June 1th 2010

Project (19:54:56 27/04/2010)
May = 31 days
April 15-30 = 15 days
31+15 = 46 days... Yes?

John (19:55:34 27/04/2010)
ok lets say you make a sale on April 2

Project (19:55:44 27/04/2010)
Therefore I also have told that you pay in 45 days

John (19:55:59 27/04/2010)
it should be ready on Jun 2, right? is 30 days

John (19:56:06 27/04/2010)
but we dont pay on Jun 2

John (19:56:15 27/04/2010)
we pay on Jun 16

John (19:57:21 27/04/2010)
dude that's the way the most affiliate programs do it

John (19:57:30 27/04/2010)
first time that an affiliate start

John (19:57:42 27/04/2010)
after first month you will see your check every 2 weeks

Project (19:58:25 27/04/2010)
> dude that's the way the most affiliate programs do it
> first time that an affiliate start
No! Nobody do not do this...

Project (19:59:20 27/04/2010)
> ok lets say you make a sale on April 2
> it should be ready on Jun 2, right? is 30 days
> but we dont pay on Jun 2
> we pay on Jun 16

And where month was lost May?

John (19:59:43 27/04/2010)
you right

John (20:00:06 27/04/2010)
April 2 + 30 days = May 2

John (20:00:13 27/04/2010)
We pay on May 16

Project (20:01:51 27/04/2010)
It turns out so you pay in 1 month after the period termination?

John (20:02:11 27/04/2010)
i forgot May LOL

Project (20:02:20 27/04/2010)

John (20:02:20 27/04/2010)
sorry it was a bad example all time

Project (20:03:11 27/04/2010)
Well, I will write at forum, what is it there was ridiculous error and that all was adjusted.

John (20:03:35 27/04/2010)
sorry about all this confusion

Project (20:04:01 27/04/2010)
Thank You, John.))

John (20:04:08 27/04/2010)
no problem
27/04/10 в 19:58
Project писал:
Джон где-то потерял месяц май, у него после апреля сразу шел июнь...icon_smile.gif

заработался icon_smile.gif

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