Your hosting company , hosted the web site "-------" that contains misleading and false information about a public person in our country. In this regard, we want to know information about the owner of these web site because you did a "who is protection " for these web site.
Can we cooperate in this matter?
Zaque [2:02:35 PM]: We are not able to give out any information about our customers, if you would like to have us forward a email to our customer we will be happy to do that, simply send the email to
[2:03:00 PM]: and make the subject of the email "Please forward to the owner of -----------------"
FIRST TIME SALES QUESTION [2:04:07 PM]: well but if this site contains false information
[2:05:08 PM]: or we must go to court?
Zaque [2:05:25 PM]: we are not in a position to determine if information is false or not, if they are posting personal identifying information there is a form that can be filled out to have the information removed
[2:06:27 PM]: if they are making claims that would fall under libel or slander then yes that would need to be handled by a court
FIRST TIME SALES QUESTION [2:08:03 PM]: Yes but they have a lot of dirty information about public people and they have not satisfied
[2:09:20 PM]: well if I write to you describing the whole situation it would help?
Zaque [2:09:58 PM]: then that would need to be handled by a court, if the court determines that the content should be taken down we will need a copy of the court order, once we have that we will certainly comply with it
[2:11:17 PM]: if it is libelous slanderous or other wise mean content that will have to be handled by a court, the only thing that we will handle is the posting of personal identifying information and for that there is a form that must be filled out
FIRST TIME SALES QUESTION [2:12:06 PM]: In what court we should apply? We are from Ukraine? All we need to know information about the website owner!
[2:13:20 PM]: Can you give this form?
Zaque [2:14:25 PM]: As long as it is verified official we will accept a court order from any country, so you can file in Ukraine
[2:15:25 PM]: is there a email address that I can send the for to?
[2:17:05 PM]: Should be translated court decision?
Zaque [2:17:34 PM]: yes we would require it translated to english
[2:19:41 PM]: Ok I have just sent a email containing that form when you send it back you will need to send it to
FIRST TIME SALES QUESTION [2:25:50 PM]: Those people on whom it is written on this site they just need to know who registered this site! And they will go to the end! If the court's decision will be positive and will be given two articles, one of which is false and the second the truth of this will be enough that you have given information to those who registered this site??
[2:28:28 PM]: I just received your form, thank you, when I fill it out please tell me where to send it?
Zaque [2:30:33 PM]: send it to
FIRST TIME SALES QUESTION [2:31:34 PM]: Thank you see you later
Короче своих так быстро не сдают хотя сказали что если будет решения суда то они все предаставят так же сказали что бы был сделан перевод данного решения ! Вот у меня сразу как бы приходит мысль что откуда там они вообще будут понимать что там на руском то написанно плюс ко всему можно нафотошопить решение и сделать им перевод, что вы на этот счет думаете ? Прислали мне так же форму в которую потом я должен всю эту инф. вбить !