Dublin Core Metadata Element Set standard has been approved
2003-04-08, The DCMI Directorate is pleased to report that the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set standard has been approved. The final text of the ISO 15836 standard and the balloting report, including the response to comments, on the SC4 document log on the ISO TC46/SC4 website:
This approval is a welcome culmination of an incremental process to bring the Dublin Core metadata element set to a broad world-wide constituency. This process has involved CEN in Europe and NISO in the US. As an international standard, it will be easier for many organizations to adopt and promote the use of Dublin Core to enhance resource discovery using the Internet.
Dublin Core is the only cross-domain resource discovery standard developed and standardized through an open standards process. More than 1500 people from 50 countries subscribe to DCMI working groups, and translations of DCMI metadata products are available in more than 20 languages. Ratification as an ISO standard is important recognition of this international effort.
Special thanks are due to Patricia Harris of NISO, who assisted in arranging the fast track balloting of this standard, and Leif Andresen, Chair of the DCMI Standards Interest Group, who was key to sheparding the event.