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Mastasia contains photos, videos in following niches:
STRAIGHT: individual
WIDE FETISH: extra big boobs, funny porn, hq, interesting
ETHNICS: american
FOR LADIES: girls fun, interesting
Mastasia Moore (3 sites, CCBill AP) Webmaster's payout: $25, weekly
Pay method: check, wire, wire US
Bonus: multisite access (3 sites)
Whore Lore contains photos, videos in following niches:
STRAIGHT: hardcore, outdoor
WIDE FETISH: costumes, fantasy / sci-fi, funny porn, hq, interesting, kink, new age, shaved
ETHNICS: american
FOR LADIES: interesting
Lords Of Porn (13 sites, NATS) related to
OCCA$H (52 sites)
Webmaster's payout: $100
Pay method: check, ePassporte
Bonus: multisite access (13 sites)