Multi domain
If you have two or more TE copies you will definitely want to link them together to take the advantage of the multi domain features (see the "available multi domain features" list below). Using multi domain features, you will be able to work faster and easier.
How to link sites together
In this example we will link two sites together (site A and site B). Navigate to the "options / multi" menu in site A. Keep that window opened and login to site B in a new window (or tab) and also navigate to the "options / multi" menu.
Enter the following values in site A:
Login URL:
Security key: Enter security key from site B to site A. Security key can be found under the "existing" table for that domain (first record in the table).
Identifier: Leave empty.
Click the "Add new" button. If site B has been added successfully, you can either repeat the procedure on site B (and add site A there) or simply click the "Sync" button and it will be done automatically.
You can read more about each parameter in the "Add new / Existing" chapter (below).
Available multi domain features
View statistics for all your sites on one page: You can view statistics for all the sites you have linked together in the statistics / sites menu.
Switching between sites: You can switch between sites at any time using pulldown menu at the top of the admin interface. To make it more comfortable, we've added a feature that always positions you to the same menu when switching between sites. For example: If you are currently in the "options / general" menu and you switch to another site in your network, you will be positioned to the "options / general" menu on that site as well.
Exporting trades: You can export trades from one TE to another. Go to the statistics / overview menu. Checkbox trades that you would like to export. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Export" tab in the mass edit form. You will see a list of sites that you have previously linked together. Select sites you would like to export trades to (use CTRL + left mouse button for multiple site selection/deselection) and click "Export trades" button.
Exporting trades directly from the new trade window: You can export trades from one TE to another, even directly from the new trade window when you are adding a new trade. Click on the "new trade" button at the top right side of the admin interface. New trade window should pop up. Enter the desired trade data there and when you are done, scroll down to the bottom, select sites you would like to export this trade to (use CTRL + left mouse button for multiple site selection/deselection), from the "Export trade to the following sites" table.
Synchronizing search engines: Go to the statistics / overview menu, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Export" tab in the mass edit form. You will see a list of sites that you have previously linked together. Select sites you would like to sync search engines with. (use CTRL + left mouse button for multiple site selection/deselection) and click "Sync search engines" button. Search engine list from the site you're exporting from gets compared with the search engine list from site(s) you're exporting to. Missing search engines are added to the list(s).
Synchronizing blacklists: Go to the statistics / overview menu, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Export" tab in the mass edit form. You will see a list of sites that you have previously linked together. Select sites you would like to sync blacklist with. (use CTRL + left mouse button for multiple site selection/deselection) and click "Sync blacklist" button. Blacklist from the site you're exporting from gets compared with the blacklist from site(s) you're exporting to. Missing blacklist entries are added to the blacklist(s).
Multi delete trade: You can delete trade(s) from all of your sites (or just from the selected ones) in one step. Go to the statistics / overview menu. Checkbox trades that you would like to delete. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Delete" tab in the mass edit form. You will see a list of sites that you have previously linked together. Select sites where you would like to delete that trade from (use CTRL + left mouse button for multiple site selection/deselection) and click "Delete" button. Multi delete module will delete trades with the same "return URL" across the network (selected sites).
Add new / Update
C: If you want to delete some entries from the link manager table, you can checkbox one or multiple records and click on the delete button at the bottom of the "Existing" table. You will be prompted if you are sure you want to delete the selected entries. Click yes and they will be gone. Below the checkbox column, there is a "mass checkbox icon". Click on it to select or deselect all entries.
Title: Enter a title of your choice. You can simply enter that you're adding. Title of each site you add, appears in the pulldown menu at the top left side of the admin interface (below the logo). Using this pulldown you can easily switch between TE sites you have added.
Login URL: Enter the full URL to the login page, for example:
Security key: A strong security key should be a random string of characters. Make it lengthy, unique and combine letters, numbers and symbols.
Identifier: If you have 50 or even more TE copies linked together and you would like to create a few groups of trades, you can achieve that by using identifiers. Identifier can be a string of your choice. Example: If you would like to create two groups. Enter identifier "list1" for half trades and "list2" for the rest of the trades. After you're done, click sync button to synchronize changes with your other sites. If you go to the statistics / sites menu, you will notice that you can select identifiers "list1" and "list2" from the "identifier" pulldown in the "select" table.
E: Click on the edit icon will allow you to edit the respective record.
D: If you click on the delete icon, you will be prompted if you are sure you want to delete this entry. Click yes and it will be gone.
Remember: If you add a new site to the list or if you make any changes to the existing records, you always have to click on the "sync" button to synchronize data with other sites.