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Тема: Ready galleries from sponsors
02/06/09 в 14:14
Dear users,

this month we are planning to release a new service again, for you who are using chameleon tools.

It will be READY GALLERIES from different adult sponsors!

There will be a list of sponsors in the member section on .
This list will contain the name of sponsors, link for registration (to this sponsor) and galleries which will be available for immediately
download and submitting. Every sponsor will have the ability to add 200 ready galleries into the member section.
And those will be picture galleries, movie galleries and free sites.

The whole project will be ready on the end of June 2009, therefore do not forget to check frequently.

Are you a sponsor? Do you want your galleries in our system so submitters can promote them immediately?
If yes, don't hesitate to contact us for more information:

Paul John
ICQ: 3one4266131
E-Mail: pauljohn - @ -

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