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Тема: Рерайтер текстов Fantom. Волшебство начинается...
21/01/09 в 02:41
Представляю уникальный рерайтер текстов Fantom для английского языка!

При разработке данного продукта были отброшены все знания по синонимизации текстов. Упор был сделан именно на рерайтинг как таковой.

Основная цель проекта Fantom - скрипт, который переписывает (именно переписывает) тексты так, как может только человек.

Долой тупая замена одних слов на другие по методу синонимизации!!!

Да здравствует УМНЫЙ подход к переписыванию текста!!!

Все консультации по аське 387-три четыре шесть-782 (можно писать в офлайн).

Было сделано 5 разных баз:
1. база идиоматических выражений;
2. база прилагательных;
3. база общепринятых сокращений;
4. база слэнговых выражений;
5. база волшебство - словоформ (эта база в стадии развития и будет обновляться);

Рерайтер текстов Fantom продается в трех версиях:

Вариант №1 - Fantom Dzen- 50WMZ

Вариант №2 - Fantom Quadro - 75WMZ

Вариант №3 - Fantom Turbo - 100WMZ

5 примеров рерайтинга текста из разных тем

Полное описание

Оплата принимается на Z957901444246
После этого вышлите письмо на адрес seoboxerart[собака]mail[точка]ru

Содержание письма:
1. Кошелек, с которого была оплата
2. Почта, на которую выслать Ваш заказ
3. Название сервиса (сейчас доступен сервис PapaCarlo - продажа статей на английском языке), перечень тех продуктов, которые вы заказали


1. Z957901444246
3. Fantom Turbo: 100WMZ

Все консультации по аське 387-три четыре шесть-782 (можно писать в офлайн).

Последний раз редактировалось: seoboxer (21/01/09 в 07:51), всего редактировалось 1 раз
21/01/09 в 03:02
первые 3 копии за отзывы? icon_wink.gif
21/01/09 в 03:05
Возьму за отзыв.
Даже не 3 копии, а одну smail101.gif
21/01/09 в 07:53
за отзывы не раздаю

вот система ранжирования клиентов

можно получить скидку
21/01/09 в 09:32
Оповещение по почте о появлении новых скриптов
Порог достижения ранга
При достижении суммы покупок от 100WMZ
Мощно задвинул smail54.gif
Все сайты только и хотят, что получить подписчиков (даже ничего не купивших), чтобы сообщать о новых продуктах (т.к. это потенциальные покупатели), а у тебя надо для этого на 100 баксов купить
21/01/09 в 10:07
Не работает рерайт текста: вставляю слева, жму "рерайт" и ничего не меняется, как был фотошоп так и остался.
14% рерайта очень мало, шинглы остаются.
До п.5 это обычный синонимайзер. А что такое "волшебство"? Простая вставка?

ИМХО, дорого.
21/01/09 в 11:14
это только примеры текстов и дизайна

покажите мне синонимайзер, который умеет делать всё заявленное в Fantom?
21/01/09 в 11:40
Исходный текст
Read this to learn 5 secrets to good writing.


Полученный текст
Read this to learn 6 secrets to dear writing.


и как с адалтной и нишевой, в частности, базой?
21/01/09 в 15:35
Если вы хотите из предложения типа
Read this to learn 5 secrets to good writing.

Make cars in 2 seconds online.

то это не этот рерайтер не для вас - для вас цепи маркова

А из предложения
Read this to learn 5 secrets to good writing.

Read this to learn 6 secrets to dear writing.

Это отличный результат, т.к. рерайтер поставил 2 замены - цифру и good<=>dear

Вот именно это и называется рерайтингом

А всё остальное - это извращение над текстом
21/01/09 в 16:19
тогда не плохо было бы дописать 6 секрет в текст, как написаны 5

по аналогии, текст с описанием, к примеру, роста в 180 трансформируется в метр с кепкой, и это отличный рерайтинг
21/01/09 в 16:29
вобщем то обычный синонимайзер

берется база слов, пишется скрипт на коленке и вуаля - тот же результат
21/01/09 в 19:27
не надо приводить примеров на русском языке

рерайтер заточен исключительно под английскую лексику
21/01/09 в 19:29
вот в базе всё и дело

а скрипт написать каждый наверное может
21/01/09 в 20:22
и как с адалтной и нишевой, в частности, базой?

Ответа на вопрос не последовало, плиз пример адалтного текста до рерайтинга и после, думаю тогда многие вопросы отпадут сами
21/01/09 в 20:25
seoboxer писал:
вот в базе всё и дело

а скрипт написать каждый наверное может

ну да, наверное

только эти базы лежат в открытом доступе - места надо знать
21/01/09 в 20:29
Исходный текст

By entering this site, I am agreeing to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE for this site as well as the following: All personal and classified ads presented on this website are solely for informational purposes. The operators of the website do not control, supervise, verify, investigate, authenticate or endorse any of the content, products, communications, or representations posted by users or advertisers on this website. Phoenix Adult is not an escort agency, nor does it make referrals. If you wish to contact the adult entertainers who advertise on Phoenix Adult, please use the contact information in the individual ads. Phoenix Adult has no knowledge of any illegal activities. Sexual innuendo may be used for entertainment purposes only. Actual sexual activity is not condoned or implied by Phoenix Adult in any manner. We do not have any additional contact information for the advertisers beyond what is printed in the ads and we cannot forward emails. All advertiser content contained in or linked to this web site is provided to Phoenix Adult by entities or individuals for the purposes of paid advertisements and is the sole responsibility of the advertiser or other provider. Phoenix Adult is a referral service for adult products, entertainment and entertainers who have chosen to advertise their products and/or services via this site. Phoenix Adult itself does not offer any product or service for sale. Phoenix Adult is in no way what-so-ever liable for any claim, legal action or harm that may occur as a result of any advertisement or the purchase or use of any product and/or service or service obtained from any advertiser. Depictions on this site or in site linked to this site may relate to human sexuality, explicit sexual conduct and other mature subjects. All such depictions on this website and any linked site are for fantasy entertainment only, and do not represent, reflect, document or otherwise memorialize the actual conduct, solicitation or promotion of any illegal act. THE SITE IS DESIGNED AND INTENDED SOLELY FOR AND ACCESS IS LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO CONSENTING ADULTS, i.e. people who are at least 18 years of age (21 years of age in any location where 18 years is not the age of majority) who are interested in and wish to have access to visual images, verbal descriptions, audio and video of a sexually oriented and explicit nature. If you are under the age of majority in your state, county, province or country, if the law in your community prohibits you from viewing pornographic material, or you are offended by sexual innuendo or sexually explicit material, then do not enter this web site or sites linked to it. By accessing the materials on this web site, you acknowledge and represent that you will not redistribute this material to anyone, nor will you permit any minor or any person who might find such material personally offensive to see this material. You further acknowledge and represent that you understand and accept responsibility for your own actions, and release the owners and operators of this web site and its service provider(s) from all liability.

Текст после рерайтинга

By entering this site, I am agreeing to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE in behalf of this site about as with complete as the promising: All family and classified ads presented on this website are solely in behalf of informational purposes. The operators of the website do without not control, supervise, verify, investigate, authenticate or endorse any of the the satisfactory, products, communications, or representations posted on the part of users or advertisers on this website. Phoenix Adult is not an escort agency, nor does it make referrals. If you wish to get in touch overage entertainers each of which advertise on Phoenix Adult, please use the get in touch information in the uniform ads. Phoenix Adult has no knowledge of any one illegal activities. Sexual innuendo may be used in behalf of entertainment purposes only. Actual sexual activity is not condoned or implied on the part of Phoenix Adult in any one manner. We do without not have any one additional get in touch information in behalf of the advertisers go beyond as what is printed in the ads and we cannot fw. emails. All advertiser satisfactory contained in or linked to this w. site is provided to Phoenix Adult on the part of entities or individuals in behalf of the purposes of paid advertisements and is the sole responsibility of the advertiser or other provider. Phoenix Adult is a referral service in behalf of adult products, entertainment and entertainers each of which have chosen to advertise their products and/or services via this site. Phoenix Adult itself does not offer any one product or service in behalf of sale. Phoenix Adult is any way what-so-ever liable in behalf of any one carry away, legal action or harm fact that may come about as with a result of any one advertisement or the purchase or use of any one product and/or service or service obtained fm. any one advertiser. Depictions on this site or in site linked to this site may relate to complacent sexuality, explicit sexual conduct and other the adult subjects. All such depictions on this website and any one linked site are in behalf of fantasy entertainment only, and do without not stand for, beat back, document or otherwise memorialize the actual conduct, solicitation or promotion of any one illegal act. THE SITE IS DESIGNED AND INTENDED SOLELY FOR AND ACCESS IS LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO CONSENTING ADULTS, i.e. ppl each of which are at a rate of least 19 years of age (22 years of age in any one location where 19 years is not the age of majority) each of which are interested in and wish to have Xs to visual images, verbal descriptions, audio and v. of a sexually oriented and explicit nature. If you are under the age of majority in your state, county, province or country, if the law in your community prohibits you fm. viewing risky material, or you are miffed on the part of sexual innuendo or sexually explicit material, then and there do without not fall into this w. site or sites linked to it. By accessing the materials on this w. site, you acknowledge and stand for fact that you will not redistribute this material to anyone, nor will you permit any one minor or any one person each of which might find such material personally offensive lay eyes this material. You further acknowledge and stand for fact that you understand and accept responsibility in behalf of your own actions, and free up the owners and operators of this w. site and its service provider(s) fm. each and all liability.
21/01/09 в 20:36
адалт тексты подразумевают немного другое
21/01/09 в 20:36
термсы - эт прям бдсм адалта
21/01/09 в 20:57
дайте текст, рерайт которого хотите получить для примера
21/01/09 в 21:17
дайте текст, рерайт которого хотите получить для примера

пожалуйста, первый попавшийся:

Highlight: While the facial is the main thing to see, Sandra has great technique. As she alternates sucking each guy, approaching each like a hungry lioness on the prowl, watch her vary her technique from a long, slow engulfing of the cock, taking it all the way to the balls, to a fast, frenzied sucking. As each guy lies down to receive head, she gives each guy excellent eye contact as she sucks him. You can really tell that Sandra relishes each cock she gets to suck. See how she uses her tongue at 20:30 into the video. Then at 21:30, see how she concentrates on a different guy's cock as she starts slow, then speeds up her sucking. No this isn't rocket science, but she really gives great head, and I enjoyed watching her use her skills as she built these boys up for the messy finale.

The Messy Details: Four cumshots, wish it had been more. No. 1 is a fairly runny shot that shoots onto her mouth and nose. Not the most impressive shot. No. 2 is a thicker but slow shot with which the guy paints her chin and forehead. Again, decent but I'd expect more. No. 3 fires 8 quick squirts that mostly cover her right cheek and reach her forehead. This is more like it! I'd say No. 4 takes the prize, shooting about eight shots that cover her right cheek, forehead, and where ever else the guy can reach. Unfortunately, much of the last two high-powered cumshots shoot right over her face and are wasted elsewhere. Too bad ? Sandra deserves all the spunk a guy can give her!

Drawbacks: Even covered in cum, or maybe because of it, Sandra is a pretty young lady. Too bad more boys couldn't make this shoot.

Random Thoughts: I really like the jeweled piercing on her left nipple.
21/01/09 в 21:36
Это прогон через рерайтер

Highlight: While the facial is the outstanding thats the ticket lay eyes, Sandra has good technique. As she alternates sucking ea guy, the subsequent ea dig a hungry lioness on the prowl, watch her vary her technique fm. a mountain, inert engulfing of the penis, taking it each and all by the way to the eggs, to a fast, devilish sucking. As ea guy lies come down charge back top banana, she gives ea guy dear eye get in touch as with she sucks him. You can really tell fact that Sandra relishes ea penis she gets to kiss ass. See about now she uses her tongue at a rate of 21:30 into the v.. Then at a rate of 22:30, look over about now she concentrates on a different guy's penis as with she starts inert, then and there speeds way up her sucking. No this isn't rocket science, but then she really gives good top banana, and I enjoyed watching her use her skills as with she a built these boys way up in behalf of the messy finale. The Messy Details: Four cumshots, wish it had been any more. No. 2 is a fairly runny shot fact that shoots onto her mouth and nose. Not most of all big shot. No. 3 is a thicker but then inert shot w. which the guy paints her chin and forehead. Again, modest but then I'd expect any more. No. 4 fires 9 playful squirts fact that mostly range over her r. cool cheek and come at her forehead. This is any more dig it! I'd say No. 5 takes the prize, shooting at a guess eight shots fact that range over her r. cool cheek, forehead, and where ever else the guy can come at. Unfortunately, by far of last but then one two high-powered cumshots shoot r. over her run across and are wasted elsewhere. Too indecent ? Sandra deserves each and all the spunk a guy can give her! Drawbacks: Even covered in cum, or maybe in so far as of it, Sandra is a pretty young l.. Too indecent any more boys couldn't make this shoot. Random Thoughts: I really dig the jeweled piercing on her l. nipple.

Это пргон через встроенный в рерайтер синонимизатор

Highlight: While the facial is the predominant loathing to imagine, Sandra has wonderful adroitness. As she alternates sucking each poke send up at, approaching each a thirsting lioness on the rove, ready for her veer her adroitness from a dream of, obtuse engulfing of the cock, delightful it all the direction to the balls, to a high-speed, frenzied sucking. As each poke send up at lies down to sustain control, she gives each poke send up at fantastic scrutiny correspond with as she sucks him. You can undeniably foretell that Sandra relishes each cock she gets to suck. See how she uses her not voice a word at 20:30 into the video. Then at 21:30, imagine how she concentrates on a distinguishable guy's cock as she starts obtuse, formerly speeds up her sucking. No that isn't shoot up realm, but she undeniably gives wonderful control, and I enjoyed watching her put to use her skills as she built these boys up the messy finale. The Messy Details: Four cumshots, fancy it had superseded more. No. 1 is a tolerably runny by no means that shoots onto her way and nose. Not the maximum awe-inspiring by no means. No. 2 is a thicker but obtuse by no means with which the poke send up at paints her chin and forehead. Again, modest but I'd contemplate more. No. 3 fires 8 sharp squirts that mostly incorporate her prerogative cheek and reach her forehead. This is more it! I'd signify No. 4 takes the accolade, shooting close by eight shots that incorporate her prerogative cheek, forehead, and where till doomsday else the poke send up at can reach. Unfortunately, lots of the conclusive two high-powered cumshots spring prerogative superior to before her pan and are wasted abroad. Too regretful ? Sandra deserves all the grit a poke send up at can chuck b surrender her! Drawbacks: Even covered in cum, or possibly because of it, Sandra is a pulchritudinous prepubescent lady. Too regretful more boys couldn't create that spring. Random Thoughts: I undeniably the jeweled blaring on her fist nipple.
21/01/09 в 21:55
какой из трех версий Fantomа был сделан рерайт?
21/01/09 в 21:55
поцелуй дрова в живот. тупая замена слов. называйте вещи своими именами.
21/01/09 в 22:03
рерайт был сделан Fantom Turbo

никого не заставляю покупать, можете продолжать пользоваться допотопными синонимайзерами на базе оксфордского словаря синонимов

но купившие будут кайфовать
21/01/09 в 22:32
Тупая замена слов
ха-ха-ха icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif

что для нас (не носителей языка) является бредом, то для них является абсолютно понятным текстом

и наоборот, скажите америкосу "в калошу сел" или "собаку съел", что они скажут?
тупая замена слов?
ха-ха-ха icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif

мой словарь идиом (идиоматических выражений) заменит "собаку съел" на всё знаю или всё пробовал или всё умею, а "в калошу сел" на лоханулся и т.п.

соответсвенно будут и обратные замены

т.ч. если вы переводили текст переводиком (а они ушли не далеко от синонимайзеров) то вам это будет "поцелуй дрова в живот" а носители языка всё поймут правильно
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