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цена 50.000 знаков, = $80
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т.е. примерно 0.8 $ за текст что внизу в примере.
Качество средней паршивости: пример ниже.
Slippery and wet pussies are always great, well, at least I like them that way and it seems Amy Reid here has got one at Twistys. She got a wet and inviting vagina and I’m sure I would tap that pussy if I had a chance. This hot chick is lovely, beautiful tanned skin, nice tits and ass. Here she is posing nude for the camera by sitting on a bench and getting that rubber monster to slide into her wet pussy for attaining some self pleasure. Every one wants to see a girl masturbate, but to see Amy masturbate is something different. She is so sexy as a hell.
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